Fog Blog Ridiculog:
This Ridiculog is a little close to home. Almost 2 years ago my girl friend's son got hit by a car! Usually they find in favour of the...

Fog Blog Tragedy Log:
Tragedy has hit the acting world again with the death of Bill Paxton.. the actor was 61 and died due to complications from heart surgery....

Fog Blog Fog Log:
Nice mild day in Saint John today! Estimates may vary but where I was at on the West Side, 10 degrees was the high! This combined with...

Fog Blog Family Day Log:
MID WINTER HOLIDAY FOR MOST OF CANADA , BUT NOT HERE! With the Season of winter carnivals and so on there is not an official holiday...

Fog Blog Ridiculog:
This week's Ridiculog is all about comforting another when tragedy strikes. It is so nice when family and friends console you but there...

Fog Blog 1-2 Punch Weather Log:
You want Donald Trumps Wall!! Look out the window or walk/drive up the street, walls of snow that is! The 1st storm that ended late...

Fog Blog Trudeau- Trump Tete a Tete log:
Justin Trudeau's first trip to Washington with new president Donald Trump in charge went quite well with smiles , handshakes and...

Fog Blog Snow Storm Log:
This wicked Nor'Easter that hit the Maritimes snarled the whole province for the most part! The official report for accumulation in...

Fog Blog Wicked Weather Log:
Something wicked this way comes describes yet another Nor'easter headed for the Atlantic Coast and Maritimes! This is a significant...

Fog Blog Legal Log:
Joyride?? An Anglophone District South School bus was stolen near Saint John! The perp got away with the bus went on a joyride with a...