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McCarthy flips 15 votes as he fights for the speaker’s gavel In a dramatic shift, Kevin McCarthy has so far managed to flip 15 votes on Friday in his bid to become the next House speaker, though the California Republican is still short of the support needed to win. The House has voted to adjourn until 10 p.m. ET.

McCarthy is locked in a fight for his political future as the California Republican attempts to win the votes he needs to become speaker of the US House of Representatives in what has now become the longest contest in 164 years.

As efforts to secure a deal with holdouts have gained momentum, McCarthy is now projecting confidence that he will be able to win the gavel this evening.

“When we come back tonight, we’ll have the votes to get this done once and for all. It just reminds me of what my father always told me, it’s not about how you start, it’s about how you finish,” McCarthy told reporters.

Moderates are frustrated by the concessions, which many believe may make it harder for the new GOP majority to effectively govern, though they will likely still swallow them. Indeed, some of the concessions McCarthy has made may weaken his hand if he does become speaker, though he has disputed that suggestion.

“I think at the end of the day we’re going to be more effective, more efficient and that definitely government is going to work,” he said Friday. McCarthy picks up key support on Friday

Several Republican members who switched their votes to back McCarthy on Friday said they are encouraged by a framework of an agreement, but provided no specifics about the deal and said talks are ongoing.

“It is a framework of an agreement in good faith that allows us to keep moving forward,” Perry told reporters after 14 House Republicans flipped their vote for McCarthy in the twelfth roll call.

Roy cautioned the talks are ongoing and there is more work to be done.

“We’re not done yet, right. We don’t have 218 on the floor yet and we’re going to keep having conversations,” Roy said.

Bishop said: “The central details are known. This framework has a considerable amount of details. We’ve worked very hard to make sure it is achievable, that it has teeth and it is understood well.”

The 14 votes who flipped in favor of McCarthy on the 12th ballot are: Reps. Dan Bishop of North Carolina, Michael Cloud of Texas, Andrew Clyde of Georgia, Byron Donalds of Florida, Mary Miller of Illinois, Ralph Norman of South Carolina, Scott Perry of Pennsylvania, Chip Roy of Texas, Victoria Spartz of Indiana (who had been voting present and had said she would continue to do so until she saw progress), Paul Gosar of Arizona and Reps.-elect Josh Brecheen of Oklahoma, Anna Paulina Luna of Florida, Keith Self of Texas and Andy Ogles of Tennessee.

On the 13th ballot, McCarthy picked up one more supporter: Rep. Andy Harris of Maryland.

There are still six Republicans voting against McCarthy: Reps. Andy Biggs of Arizona, Lauren Boebert of Colorado, Matt Gaetz of Florida, Bob Good of Virginia, Matt Rosendale of Montana and Rep.-elect Eli Crane of Arizona.


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