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HURRICANE FIONA, ON APPROACH TO THE MARITIMES WAS A CAT 3 BUT QUICKLY TRANSFORMED TO CAT 1 THEN TROPICAL STORM BUT DON'T BE FOOLED , ONE OF THE WORST TO MAKE LANDFALL JUST EAST OF CAPE BRETON. HERE IN SAINT JOHN, WINDS WERE 80 km/h WITH GUSTS AT TIMES UP TO 100 km/h BUT AT TIME OF NEWS STORY, SUN IS OUT AND WINDS ARE NOW AT 40 km/h. WE GOT ABOUT 40 mm OF RAIN TOO, DIFFERENT STORY WITH THE REPORTS COMING OUT OF PEI AND PORT AUX BASQUE NL WITH THE LATER DECLARING A STATE OF EMERGENCY!.......Fiona leaves most of P.E.I. without power; hurricane warning still in effect Tens of thousands of Maritime Electric customers are without power in P.E.I. as Fiona continues to pound Atlantic Canada, with wind gusts on the Island hitting 150 km/h and almost 100 mm of rain down.

A hurricane warning remains in place for all three counties in P.E.I. as well as wind and storm surge warnings, but Environment Canada lifted its rainfall warnings at about 1:30 p.m. AT.

Islanders are being urged to stay at home and off the roads as the situation with Fiona continues to make venturing outside extremely dangerous.

Charlottetown Police have been warning about the danger from flying objects and noting that many roads are blocked by fallen trees. "Police are asking the public to not be on the roads, this is hampering emergency vehicles from responding. Stay home and be safe," they said on Twitter.

RCMP in P.E.I. were tweeting as well: "#RCMPPEI is asking residents to stay off island roadways. Flash flooding, debris and power lines on the roads makes travel extremely dangerous. #StayHome"

  • P.E.I. premier, EMO director to give Hurricane Fiona briefing at 2:30 p.m. AT

  • Here's a list of warming centres on P.E.I. for those whose power is out

The City of Charlottetown tweeted, "We have received reports of flat tires due to dangerous and unknown debris (including roofing nails) that can cause damage to cars and persons."

Summerside issued another safety message from the city's Twitter account: "There are several downed power lines and trees throughout the city, making travel extremely dangerous. Please remain home until these hazardous conditions improve & crews are able to begin clean up."

An Island without power

As of noon AT, more than 82,000 customers on P.E.I. were without power, according to the Maritime Electric outage map. Outages are widespread across the Island, covering about 95 per cent of the population, but are especially concentrated in the Charlottetown area and Kings County in the eastern third of the province.

Maritime Electric has about 86,000 customers in total, according to its website.

The utility's spokesperson, Kim Griffin, told CBC News that crews were able to restore power to some households that lost it Friday night, but it was knocked out again.

'Total devastation' as Port aux Basques declares state of emergency due to post-tropical storm Fiona

  • Port aux Basques is under a state of emergency

  • Part of the community is under an evacuation order

  • Multiple homes have been washed away

  • The RCMP is investigating a report that a woman has been washed out to sea

Communities in southwestern Newfoundland are grappling with significant damage, including lost homes, flooding and road washouts due to post-tropical storm Fiona. Everything east of town hall in Port aux Basques is under an emergency evacuation order as the town is pounded by severe winds and storm surge. "What's actually happening here is total devastation," said Mayor Brian Button. On Friday, the town had recommended that some residents in homes near the coast evacuate. On Saturday morning, that recommendation became an order. "We are going to force people out of their homes if we need to. They need to go," he said. Power lines were down, the town hall was flooded and multiple roads were washed out. "I'm telling you, it is a mess out there," he said. Button said it's too early to say if anyone has been injured, but he said if people don't listen to the evacuation order they are in danger.

The town is also having problems with its water system, and is under a boil advisory.

"This has become bigger, and worse than we had imagined."

Other communities, like Burnt Islands and Burgeo, are dealing with similar situations.



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