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7-Year-Old Girl Missing, Kidnapped By Anti-Vax Dad Claiming He’s ‘Protecting’ Her From COVID Vaccine....mother in Canada claims her ex-husband took their 7-year-old daughter into hiding for over a month because he doesn't want the girl to be vaccinated against COVID-19.

The girl's father, Michael Jackson of Saskatchewan, appeared on the right-wing talk show “Live With Laura Lynn with his daughter on Jan. 7. The title of the episode was, “Dad on the Run as Ex-Wife Says She Will Obey the Government and Vaccinate Her 7-Year-Old Child."

"The father repeatedly asked to get on the same page since the mom has court-ordered medical authority on what happens with the child. Michael, the father, after studying the data and science extensively came to the same conclusion that children do not need this vaccine and that, in fact, it could be harmful, as said by expert doctors around the world," a statement from the talk show said.

Jackson said he is "doing what God wants me to do" and that, “I couldn’t let it happen, I had to protect my daughter from it.”...He also said that his decision to flee with his daughter was because “they” were “coming for our children.”

Since the interview, the girl’s mother, Mariecar Jackson, has asked for the public’s help to bring her daughter home and is worried about her daughter’s state of well-being. The last time Mariecar Jackson has talked with her daughter was over the phone on Nov. 21.

"She's only seven. She needs to be home. I just want her home," the mother told Canada's CBC News.

The father claims that their daughter is doing fine, and explained his reason for bringing her onto the talk show was to prove that she was in good health.

“I want everybody to see that Sarah’s healthy, she’s happy,” he said on the talk show.

During the program, the host directly turned the attention onto his daughter and asked her why she didn’t want to get vaccinated.....“Because it can change your DNA and I don’t believe God wants me to. And it can make you sick and kill you,” she responded.

Authorities have not been able to track down the girl and her father. Mariecar Jackson has been working with Jill Drennan, director of the rural legal aid office in Regina, Saskatchewan, to help get her daughter home.

“We don’t believe they are in the community any more. She could be out of province. We simply don’t know where she is. We are asking the public for help,” Drennan told CBC News.


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