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Fog Blog Ridiculog: Hate Out Of Control:

THE UNNECESSARY KILLING OF GEORGE FLOYD HAS UNLEASHED A FIRESTORM!......YES HE BROKE THE LAW AND WAS TAKEN INTO CUSTODY BUT DID NOT RESIST ARREST AND ITS GOOD THE 4 OFFICERS ARE CHARGED WITH MURDER AS THE OFFICER THAT HAD HIS KNEE ON FLOYD HAD IT THERE FOR 9 MINUTES! HERE ARE SOME OF THE HEADLINES THAT RESULTED IN DAYS OF RIOTS AND PROTESTS GOING WAY TOO FAR........The security guard shot and killed during Friday night’s unrest in Oakland has been identified as David Patrick Underwood of Pinole.......One person was killed in downtown Detroit after someone in an SUV fired shots into a crowd of people protesting George Floyd's death in Minneapolis custody, a Detroit police spokeswoman said Saturday........A police officer stabbed in the neck.........Many U.S. cities impose curfews as violence increases at protests.......Protests around the world.........YOU KNOW......THERE IS SO MUCH RACIAL UNREST AS BIGOTRY ONCE THOUGHT WAS SETTLING DOWN IS ALIVE AND WELL..........HERE IS ANOTHER HEADLINE FROM A FEW MONTHS AGO..........A Georgia man was chased, shot and killed while jogging more than two months ago, and his family is calling for justice.Ahmaud Arbery, 25, was jogging in a Brunswick neighborhood on February 23 when a man and his son chased him down, telling police later that they thought he looked like the suspect in a series of recent break-ins in the area. ........I LIKE THE CALLS FOR BETTER POLICE TRAINING AND TIGHTER REIGNS ON HOW POLICE HANDLE PEOPLE THEY ARE TAKING INTO CUSTODY...........PEOPLE WHO BREAK THE LAW DESERVE TO BE ARRESTED BUT NOT KILLED , ESPECIALLY IF THEY DO NOT RESIST ARREST AS IN GEORGE FLOYD'S CASE!.......LET'S LEARN FROM THIS AND BE BETTER!

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