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Fog Blog Ridiculog: Coronavirus Facts VS Fears:

THE PHOTO DEPICTS WHAT CORONAVIRUS OR COVID 19 LOOKS LIKE! THERE IS A LOT OF FEAR OUT THERE.......THANKS TO GOD......IT ISN'T HERE IN SAINT JOHN NB YET.....ALTHOUGH BEING A PORT CITY YOU NEVER KNOW. I WATCHED A SPECIAL ON IT LAST NIGHT ON CNN......THERE WAS A LOT OF GOOD INFO ABOUT WHAT TO LOOK FOR AND WHAT TO DO.....RIGHT NOW OUR ACTIONS ARE PREDICATED ON FEAR.......STOCK MARKET DOWN SHARPLY OVER ECONOMIC FEARS........TRAVEL IS AFFECTED........PEOPLE SELLING STORES OUT OF SANITIZING CLEANING PRODUCTS. I'm doing what I always do......wash hands regularly and sanitize surfaces often. These practices are important always. I am living my life normally though, not buying extra cleaning products, I'm not buying masks. When the need arises then we will see. Being in Saint John , we don't know how this will affect the Cruise Ship season!.....Last night one man in the States who contracted coronavirus said he got a high fever around 103 and above quickly......this would be a sign......usually with the goes up, but not that high or fast. On the special , they said what you might get is the regular flu, stay home and do what you would do for your doctor . In the US they are sending test kits out.....this is a good idea. Best advice.....check the news for new details, stay at home as not to spread it or the regular flu, sanitize surfaces.....sneeze into your elbo....etc. Hopefully we will get through this like we do other medical epidemics......Take care!

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