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Fog Blog : U.S. News Log: Florida Naval Air Base Shooting Tragedy:

SAUDI ARABIAN MILITARY OFFICER SHOT AND KILLED 3 AT NAVAL AIR BASE IN FLORIDA!...….The day after Saudi Arabian military officer fatally shot three people at US Navy base in Florida, officials said is too early to definitively call it a terror attack.Investigators gathering evidence from the mass shooting in which the gunman was killed, and eight people were hurt are looking in several countries for answers into the shooter's motive and influences.A victim of the Pensacola naval base shooting hoped to become a Navy jet pilotThe FBI has not deemed the attack an act of terrorism, but that decision remains the subject of internal deliberations among agents in Florida and at FBI headquarters in Washington, a law enforcement source told CNN.The source said numerous personnel and resources from the FBI's Joint Terrorism Task Force, Criminal Division, Evidence Response Team, and FBI agents posted to Saudi Arabia continue to work jointly on the investigation.Defense Secretary Mark Esper, who was at a defense forum said, "No, I can't say it's terrorism at this time. I think we need to let the investigators of the FBI do its work and tell us, get us the facts and we'll work out from there."

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