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Fog Blog Ridiculog: Halloween Threats:

ANOTHER HALLOWEEN IS COMING AND ALL ANYBODY WANTS INCLUDING PARENTS IS THAT THE CHILDREN HAVE A GREAT TIME TRICK OR TREATING WITH NO PROBLEMS. WE ALL KNOW THOUGH THERE ARE WING NUTS WHO DON'T SHARE THE SAME THOUGHTS AND FOR THE LIFE OF ME DON'T KNOW WHY ......THEY WANT TO HURT CHILDREN. PICTURED HERE IS A PHOTO FROM ANOTHER HALLOWEEN WITH SHARPS FOUND IN THE CANDY! WHY DO PEOPLE IN THEIR RIGHT MIND OR NOT!!!.........WANTING TO HURT UNSUSPECTING CHILDREN. THESE PEOPLE ARE EVERYWHERE AND ALSO FIND A WAY TO HIDE SHARPS IN WRAPPED CANDY AS WELL! I think that is the reason why recent Halloweens have had lower numbers of kids coming to the doors. Its great that community centres are organizing parties for the of candy and safer. It is sad though its come to this! To those scum bags wanting to do harm to kids.....hope U get caught and are put away for a long time.....Let the kids have fun and keep them safe this Halloween!

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