Fog Blog Trudeau's Black Face Scandal Log:
WELL, WELL, WELL.....TYPICAL HUH....WE GET A FEW WEEKS INTO THE FEDERAL ELECTION CAMPAIGN AND PHOTOS THAT ARE SUPPOSED I GUESS TO SPARK A SCANDAL....MAYBE TO SWAY VOTES!!?? PHOTOS HAVE NOW SURFACED THAT HAVE ANGERED VOTERS, OPPOSITION LEADERS ALIKE.....JUSTIN TRUDEAU IN BROWN AND BLACK FACE!.......The first photo of Justin Trudeau in blackface makeup was released Wednesday, Sept. 18. Within hours, more photos surfaced of Trudeau dressed up with a darkened face.When pressed the next day to state whether there were any more such images, Trudeau said, "I am wary of being definitive about this."How many photos do we know of?There are least three photos and one video of Trudeau wearing racist makeup.The story broke the evening of Wednesday, Sept. 18 with the publication by Time Magazine of a photo from a 2001 yearbook from the Vancouver private school West Point Grey Academy, where Trudeau taught. The school staged an Arabian Nights-themed gala. Trudeau dressed as Aladdin, in blackface and a turban.Time reported that it obtained the photo from Vancouver businessman Michael Adamson, who was identified as being "part of the West Point Grey Academy community."