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Fog Blog Philadelphia Experiment Log:

IN MY SERIES.....TIME TRAVEL ....IS IT REAL.......WE KNOW ALREADY THAT HUGE ELECTRO-MAGNETIC FIELDS DISTORT SPACE AND TIME......LOOK AT THE MAG LEV TRAINS IN THE ORIENT....TRAVELING ON AIR AND IN AREAS WITH THESE STRONG FIELDS EXPERIMENTS WERE CONDUCTED WITH ATOMIC CLOCKS SHOWING A SLOWING OF TIME IN THESE AREAS. TONIGHT, WE LOOK AT WHAT WAS DONE AND WHAT THEY WERE TRYING TO ACHIEVE WITH THE U.S.S. ELDRIDGE!...........THE GOVERNMENT DURING THE 2ND WORLD WAR WERE TRYING TO CLOAK THE ELDRIDGE SO IT WOULDN'T SHOW UP ON FOREIGN RADARS!............BASICALLY WITH THE EXPERIMENT THEY WERE TRYING TO MAKE A CLOAK OF INVISIBILITY!.......THE FOLLOWING SHOWS WHAT THEY WERE TRYING TO ACHIEVE AND WHAT HAPPENED !..........Two separate sets of bizarre events make up the "Philadelphia Experiment." Both revolve around a Navy Destroyer escort, the USS Eldridge, with the events taking place on two separate days in the summer and fall of 1943.In the first experiment, an alleged method of electrical field manipulation allowed the USS Eldridge to be rendered invisible on July 22, 1943 in the Philadelphia Naval Shipyard. The second rumored experiment was the teleportation and small-scale time travel (with the ship sent a few seconds in the past) of the USS Eldridge from the Philadelphia Naval Shipyard to Norfolk, Virginia, on October 28, 1943.Horrible tales of mangled seamen and sailors stuck within the metal of the USS Eldridge often accompany this experiment, with the USS Eldrige reappearing seconds later in the waters around Philadelphia. Recitation of the events surrounding the second Philadelphia Experiment often include a cargo and troop transport vessel,

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