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Fog Blog Ridiculog: Walking and Texting!:

THE SUBJECT OF PEDESTRIANS WALKING AND NOT LOOKING WHERE THEY GO WHEN WALKING OUT INTO TRAFFIC HAS TO COME BACK TO THE FOREFRONT OF THE RIDICULOG THIS WEEK! THE PAST FEW WEEKS THERE HAVE BEEN A NUMBER OF PEOPLE WITH OR WITHOUT LOOKING AT A CELLPHONE, WALKING OUT RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME. I KNOW BY LAW THAT ITS THE DRIVER'S RESPONSIBILITY TO LOOK OUT FOR PEDESTRIANS THERE ARE GOOD ONES OUT THERE BUT THE ONES THAT ARE NOT SCARE ME. i ALWAYS KEEP MY EYE ON THE ROAD TO KEEP PASSENGERS SAFE AND PEDESTRIANS ALIKE! I think though that the walking public can do their part by being responsible in traffic. Maybe we need to go back to an old fashioned concept and look both ways, drivers have to do it!! Whatever the case may be , too many are looking down to a interesting as it is.......hold it look at the traffic and when you are back on the other sidewalk , you can engage with the cell phone again! How about we all start doing this and keep everyone safe~!

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