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Fog Blog Ridiculog: E Smoking Dangers:

THIS WEEK'S RIDICULOG IS ALL ABOUT THE NEW DANGERS OPENING UP AROUND USING E SMOKING PRUDUCTS......WHAT DO WE REALLY KNOW ABOUT THEM AND ARE THEY SAFE?? RECENTLY AN 18 YEAR OLD TEEN IN THE U.S. BECAME SICK AND HAD A HARD TIME BREATHING. HE NEVER SMOKED A DAY IN HIS LIFE .....BUT......DECIDED TO START USING E- SMOKING PRODUCTS! HIS LUNG COLLAPSED AS A RESULT OF A HOLE AND NEEDED EMERGENCY SURGERY! More and more young people in the U.S. are getting sick and going to emerg as a result of E-smoking. Canada is waiting for the same thing to happen here. I think the rise of E smoking or vaping has come too quickly and not enough is known about the chemicals in them. More studies need to be done and in the light of what is happening with people needing emergency help in regards to vaping.....the dangers are evident! Time to act so that the public is protected!

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