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Fog Blog Philadelphia Experiment and Timeslips Log:

RUMOURS HAVE IT THAT THE PHILADELPHIA EXPERIMENT , MEANT TO CREATE A CLOAKING DEVICE FOR THE SHIP U.S.S. ELDRIDGE BY USING MILES OF ELECTRIC CABLE TO CREATE A GREAT ELECTRO-MAGNETIC FIELD DID IN DEED ACHIEVE SOMETHING. THE GOVERNMENT DENIES ANY AND ALL BUT THERE HAVE BEEN WHISTLE BLOWERS THAT SAY THIS IS REAL! EVEN NICOLA TESLA WAS ON BOARD SO TO SPEAK TO HELP WITH THE CAUSE..........October 28, 1943 was the date of one of the most significant scientific experiments in history - the so-called “Philadelphia Experiment.” The goal was to make ships invisible to radar, but the result exceeded all expectations. Placed in a powerful electromagnetic field, the U.S. Navy destroyer “Eldridge” disappeared not only from the screens, but also from our reality. The ship materialized once again hundreds of miles from Philadelphia at the military base of Norfolk, Virginia with a crazed crew on board.All records of the tragedy have been kept secret, but there was a rumor linking the experiment with the great inventor Nikola Tesla, who supposedly made all the necessary calculations and drawings and provided generators that were used for the teleportation of the “Eldridge.” NOW , TIME SLIPS ARE DIFFERENT ....THERE HAVE BEEN REPORTS BY PEOPLE HERE AND ESPECIALLY IN LIVERPOOL ENGLAND THAT SAY THIS TAKES PLACE ON A SPECIFIC STREET THAT EXPERIENCES.....AGAIN.......STRONG ELECTRO-MAGNETIC FIELDS THAT DISTORTS TIME AND SPACE.......Some scientists believe time travel might just be possible – at least theoretically; our current knowledge of science simply can’t achieve it. But what if nature somehow can… and does? Here are some of the most famous time slip cases – what do you think happened?Back in 1996, Frank was out shopping and decided to visit HMV to look for a CD. As he walked along near the Post Office, he suddenly felt as if he’d stepped into an ‘oasis of quietness’. He was then shocked to see a small box van reminiscent of the 1950s speed across his path, narrowly missing him and honking its horn.Frank realised that he was now standing in the middle of the road and, looking at what should have been Dillons book store, the shop now had Cripps on its sign. Inside, he saw upmarket ladies’ handbags and shoes – no books. IN BOTH INSTANCES......GOING WITH THE BELIEF THAT YOU CAN TRAVEL FORWARD IN TIME NOT BACK....THE ELDRIDGE WENT FORWARD AND BACK TO ITS CURRENT TIME.....WITH TIME SLIPS THE PAST SEEMS TO GO FORWARD AND THEN DISAPPEARS ....THE PEOPLE HAVE NOT CHANGED WALKING DOWN THE STREET....BUT WHO KNOWS??? TIME TRAVEL...YOU DECIDE.....IS IT REAL?

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