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Fog Blog Alabama Woman Charged For The Death of Her Fetus Log:

THIS IS A REAL BIZARRE ONE! THE ALABAMA WOMAN PICTURED , PREGNANT, STARTS A FIGHT IN THE DOLLAR GENERAL AND THE OTHER SHOOTS HER, RESULTING IN HER LOSING HER BABY AND THE ONE PREGNANT IS CHARGED FOR IT!!!!???.....A 28-year-old Alabama woman who was shot while five months pregnant is being charged by authorities for the fetus’s death, according to reports from The New York Times.Marshae Jones’ baby did not survive the shooting that occurred during an argument between Jones and another woman. Now, Jones is being charged with manslaughter. Reports indicate that Jones was arrested and thrown in jail, but, was later released Thursday after posting a $50,000 bond. The Jefferson County Sherriff’s Office in Alabama say that the mother “refused to remove herself from harm’s way,” and could very much have started the argument that led to the shooting—therefore, Jones could “be responsible for the fetus’s death.”

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