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Fog Blog Mexico Tariffs Log:

President Donald Trump's threat to impose tariffs on all imports from Mexico isn't more of the same.

It plunges the relationship between the United States and its second largest supplier of imports into jeopardy. It leaves exposed the significant number of global businesses that move goods across the border. And the 5% tax, tied to Mexico's ability to halt the movement of undocumented immigrants into the United States, looks like it could go into effect on June 10. That's soon.

For investors, the president's announcement via Twitter on Thursday, which said tariffs could eventually rise to 25%, came as a complete surprise.

"The threat of tariffs on Mexico was completely off the market's radar," said Cliff Hodge, director of investments at Cornerstone Wealth Group. "No one has been talking about tariffs on Mexico."

Republicans in Congress, corporate leaders, and retailers who have consistently warned that the price of tariffs is ultimately passed on to consumers.

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