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Fog Blog Notre Dame Cathedral Fire!:

WOW.....WHERE DO I START.....ITS HOLY WEEK....AN 800 PLUS YEAR OLD CATHEDRAL.......ITS NOTRE DAME , THE MOST BELOVED AND ORNATE ICON IN THE WORLD DEVASTATED BY A RAVAGING FIRE WITH EARLY HINTS BEING THAT IT STARTED BY ACCIDENT WITH A SHORT CIRCUIT CAUSED BY A COMPUTER GLITCH IN THE ATTIC OF THE BUILDING. THANKFULLY THERE WAS NO DEATHS ALTHOUGH A FIRE FIGHTER WAS INJURED BADLY BUT WILL RECOVER. THE FIRE FIGHTERS WERE THE HEROES OF THIS .....ALONG WITH PRIESTS AND OTHER STAFF ALMOST ALL RELICS AND PAINTINGS AND ARTIFACTS WERE SAVED AND MIRACLE OF MIRACLES THE PIPES OF THE ORGAN AND A ROOSTER MADE OF BRASS WERE IN TACT! PARIS RESIDENTS WERE IN SHOCK, CRYING AND SINGING HYMNS IN THE STREET!.......A “computer glitch” may have been behind the fast-spreading fire that ravaged Notre-Dame, the cathedral’s rector said on Friday, as architects and construction workers tried to figure out how to stabilize the damaged structure and protect it from the elements.The fire burned through the lattice of enormous oak beams supporting the monument’s vaulted stone ceiling, dangerously weakening the building. The surrounding neighbourhood has been blocked off, and stones have continued to tumble off the sides of the cathedral since Monday evening’s devastating blaze.Speaking during a meeting of local business owners, rector Patrick Chauvet did not elaborate on the exact nature of the glitch, adding that “we may find out what happened in two or three months.”On Thursday, Paris police investigators said they think an electrical short-circuit most likely caused the fire.The Parisien newspaper has reported that investigators are considering whether the fire could be linked to a computer glitch or related to temporary elevators used in the renovation that was under way at the time the cathedral caught fire. Mr. Chauvet said there were fire alarms throughout the building, which he described as “well protected.”M

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