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Fog Blog Mueller Report Released Log:

A FIRESTORM OF TWEETS HAS ERUPTED FROM PRESIDENT TRUMP AS THE MUELLER REPORT , THAT IS THE REDACTED VERSION, IS RELEASED!......“Our strategy came to be that when we weren’t talking, we were losing,” Rudy Giuliani, one of Trump’s lawyers, told The Associated Press in a recent interview. Given that Mueller could not indict a sitting president, Giuliani said, the team kept its focus on Mueller’s “capacity to report, so we had to play in the media as well as legally.”The aftershocks from the Mueller report released Thursday will help shape the next two years of Trump’s administration. But while the report may cause some Democrats to take a renewed look at impeachment despite long odds of success in Congress, the legal threat to Trump that seemed so dangerous upon Mueller’s appointment in May 2017 has waned.

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