Fog Blog High Insurance Rates in NB Opinion Log:
JUST A FEW WEEKS AGO , THE MAJOR INSURANCE COMPANIES IN NEW BRUNSWICK APPLIED FOR INCREASES TO RATES BECAUSE OF THE RECENT WINTER WITH LOTS OF SNOW AND ICE AND OVERALL MANY ACCIDENT CLAIMS. I UNDERSTAND THAT THEY ARE IN BUSINESS TO MAKE MONEY. SOME OF US EVEN WITH THE HAZARDOUS ROAD CONDITIONS HAVE ACCIDENT FREE RECORDS......I moved from Ontario to here to be with my family back in 2000, when I left there I had a flawless driving record and the last 18 here ......same thing! I agree a general across the board increase is waranted but negotiating individuals rates based on driving record, age etc. should be a different thing! What do you think.......have your opinion!! I think after 10, 15, 20, or even 30 years of accident free driving the last thing should be higher rates! Let's reward drivers with long accident free driving records!!!!