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Fog Blog WW1 100 Years Log:

SUNDAY WILL MARK 100 YEARS ALL OVER THE WORLD BUT WILL BE ESPECIALLY MARKED IN BRITAIN, FRANCE, NETHERLANDS, AUSTRALIA AND OF COURSE CANADA AND THE USA! IT IS THE 100TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE ARMISTICE AND THE END OF THE GREAT WAR.....WW1......ON THE 11TH HOUR OF THE 11TH DAY OF THE 11TH MONTH....THEY LAID DOWN THEIR ARMS!......One hundred years ago – on November 11 1918, at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month – millions of men laid down their guns.This was Armistice Day, the end of the first world war.Germany, the last belligerent standing among the Central Powers, had collapsed militarily, economically and politically.Armistice Day – later known as Remembrance Day – has since been commemorated every year......On November 11 1918, aboard Marshall Ferdinand Foch’s train carriage, a few plenipotentiaries of Germany and the main Allied nations signed a short document that ordered a ceasefire, effective from 11am. In doing so, they put an end to the global carnage that had started in August 1914 and had killed more than 10 million combatants and 6 million civilians.French Marshal Ferdinand Foch (second from the right), in Compiègne Forest, minutes after the signature of the Armistice. , though this document stopped combat, it did not formally end the war. Indeed, Germany had sought an armistice in order to negotiate a formal peace treaty. This peace was secured eight months later, on June 28 1919, at the Paris Peace Conference.The Armistice also didn’t resolve localized conflicts resulting from the war. These raged on in parts of Eastern Europe and the Middle East through to the early 1920s.

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