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Fog Blog California Shootings Log:

SOMETHING HAS GOT TO BE DONE ABOUT GUN CONTROL....THIS TIME IN CALIFORNIA IT WAS A VETERAN THAT WENT IN AND SHOT 12 PEOPLE DEAD.....SHOULD THERE HAVE BEEN SIGNS AND MAYBE MORE DONE FOR THIS VETERAN WHEN HE CAME BACK FROM COMBAT DUTY??LOS ANGELES — After a mass killing in Santa Barbara in 2014, California passed a law that let police officers and family members seek restraining orders to seize guns from troubled people. A year later, a shooting rampage in San Bernardino led to voters approving a ballot proposition to outlaw expanded magazines for guns and require background checks for buying ammunition.The state has also banned assault weapons and regulates ammunition sales — all part of a wave of gun regulation that began a quarter century ago with a mass murder at a San Francisco law firm.California may have the toughest gun control laws in the nation, but that still did not prevent the latest mass killing — a shooting on Wednesday that left 12 people dead at the Borderline Bar & Grill in Thousand Oaks.The community of Thousand Oaks is just starting to grieve its losses, and investigators are still combing through the background of the gunman, who was found dead after the shooting. But gun control activists and politicians in the state are already weighing what more can be done, and whether existing measures could have prevented the killing.

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