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Fog Blog Ridiculog:

THIS WEEK THE RIDICULOG COMMENTS ON WHAT I CALL LAZY BUILDING OWNERS. I'M FOCUSING ON THE OLD FAIRPORT RESTAURANT ON MANAWAGONISH ROAD IN SAINT JOHN WEST!.....The owner has let both the motel and restaurant go to rack and ruin! Recently he has brought in his own crews to tear down the rest of the motel complex...yes the motel needed it and Manawagonish does not get the traffic so to speak to fill motel vacancies but the owner not too long ago refused an offer for a group or person to purchase the restaurant only! He told them both that and the motel complex or nothing. Now he has to raze both and have an empty lot. Would have been nice to see the Fairport restaurant restored back to its former glory. The old Colonial Inn now Days Inn is the only success story.....almost seeing the wrecking ball but is now a brand new Inn....nice. The so called Lazy building owners saw the razing of the Paramount theatre, the old heritage building up behind Steamer Lobster......and there are others....usually they are contacted......most times they live out of town and they are hard to contact!~ Its a shame to see these iconic places razed to the pavement and no other recourse but to pull them down! There should be more that can be done, maybe in the case of the Fairport have the city step in and broker a deal to see the restaurant sold to the the interested party with the city as arbitrator . Good for the city , neighbourhood and see a nice place come back to life and not dead on the Ridiculog!

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