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Fog Blog Midterm U.S. Elections Log:

ALL EYES ARE ON TUESDAY AS THE U.S. HAS THEIR MIDTERM ELECTIONS........WITH THE DEMOCRATS GAINING GROUND ...IT COULD BE A DIFFERENT LOOK COME TUESDAY AND DONALD TRUMP IS TRYING TO THWART THAT WITH AN AGGRESSIVE CAMPAIGNING FOR REPUBLICAN CANDIDATES!.....Donald Trump is in the final stretch of a 44-city blitz of campaigning for the midterm elections, but the America he's glimpsed from the airport arrivals and his armoured limousine is hardly a reflection of the nation as a whole.The U.S. president has mostly travelled to counties that are whiter, less educated and have lower incomes than the rest of the United States, according to Census Bureau data. It's a sign that he is seeking to galvanize the same group of voters that helped carry him to victory in 2016.

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