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Fog Blog Pittsburgh Synagogue Shootings Log:

GUNMAN SHOOTS 12 PEOPLE AT TREE OF LIFE SYNAGOGUE IN PITTSBURGH....11 ARE DEAD INCLUDING A POLICE OFFICER.......Federal charges filed against alleged gunman accused killing 11 people in Pittsburgh synagogue shooting.Federal charges filed against alleged gunman accused killing 11 people in Pittsburgh synagogue....Federal prosecutors have charged a Pennsylvania man with 29 counts of violence and firearms offenses after authorities said he stormed a Pittsburgh synagogue and opened fire, killing 11 people on Saturday. Robert Bowers surrendered to authorities after the shooting at the Tree of Life synagogue....

Eleven people were killed Saturday morning when a gunman stormed the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh and opened fire on the congregants inside, officials said.A law enforcement official told CNN the suspect was identified as 46-year-old Robert Bowers.It's believed the suspect made anti-Semitic statements during the shooting and targeted Jews in posts on social media that are a focus of the investigation, according to a federal law enforcement official.

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