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Fog Blog Indonesia Earthquake Log:

7.5 EARTHQUAKE AND ENSUING TSUNAMI DESTROYED HOMES AND BUILDINGS AND KILLED 400, MANY MORE INJURED!........Rescue workers in Indonesia continued a desperate search for survivors Sunday, two days after a powerful earthquake hit the island of Sulawesi and triggered a tsunami, killing more than 400 people.After the 7.5-magnitude earthquake hit Friday, water smashed into buildings and swept away homes in the coastal city of Palu, home to 350,000 people.Indonesian Disaster Management Agency spokesman Sutopo Purwo Nugroho put the death toll at 405 early Sunday, based on the number of bodies that had been recovered. More than 400 people were badly injured, Sutopo said.Many victims were still buried under the rubble of buildings and houses, Sutopo said, and evacuation efforts were slowed by lack of heavy equipment and personnel.

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