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Fog Blog Immigrant Children Log:

A REAL SHAME WHAT HAPPENED TO THESE CHILDREN WHEN THE FAMILIES ARRIVED AT THE SOUTHERN AMERICAN BORDER! CHILDREN CRYING FOR THEIR PARENTS AFTER BEING SEPARATED AND PUT INTO DETENTION CENTRES, WHILE THERE PARENTS ARE TREATED AS CRIMINALS AND ARRESTED!....I don't want them to stop my father," a child whispers in Spanish. "I don't want them to deport him."So begins an excruciating audio clip of children howling for their parents after being separated from them at the US-Mexico border.The audio was published Monday by the investigative nonprofit ProPublica. It adds a visceral element to the coverage of a controversial Trump administration policy of taking undocumented immigrant children from their families and putting them in government facilities on US borders.Children and parents are being separated at the border. Here's what we know .

Cries of "Mami" and "Papá" build over a cacophony of wails and sobs. An adult on the recording compares the wrenching cries to an "orchestra.""What's missing is a conductor," says the man in Spanish, whom ProPublica identifies as a border agent.

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