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Fog Blog Ridiculog:

THIS WEEK'S RIDICULOG IS A HEART BREAKER! THE NEW BRUNSWICK FLOODING ALONG THE SAINT JOHN RIVER HAS CRESTED AND IS NOW GOING DOWN BUT THIS STORY DESERVES THE RIDICULOG!......DURING THE HEIGHT OF THE FLOOD IN MAUGERVILLE....PRONOUNCED MAJORVILLE....3 WOULD BE THIEVES DRESSED WITH MASKS AND IN A CANOE TRIED TO CAPITALIZE ON PEOPLE'S GRIEF AND DEVASTATION! Markus Harvey snapped the photo here of the thieves making off before being caught! Markus heard a thud and saw a flash of light, he scared them off by asking who was there and sometime later were caught by police. They appeared in court this week. I think that a special kind of punishment should be given to these 3! They were, if successful, going to loot as many places as they could and make off in their canoe! Maybe they should get more time when convicted or be made to help with clean-up efforts! What ever they receive from the Justice of the court , it is good they got caught! They are the worst of the worst and are scum in my book and this edition of the Ridiculog!

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