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Fog Blog River Flood Log:

ITS THAT TIME OF YEAR AND THE SAINT JOHN RIVER IS CURRENTLY IN FLOOD STAGE! THE LEVEL AROUND THE FREDERICTON AREA IS 8.2 METRES UP BUT 1.7 METRES OVER FLOOD STAGE! THE PHOTO BELOW SHOWS HOW MUCH FLOODING IN LOW LYING AREAS HERE IN SAINT JOHN , THIS PHOTO WAS IN 2011, IT IS HIGH NOW BUT NOT FLOODING HERE.....The director of the New Brunswick Emergency Measures Organization says the water level on the St. John River in Fredericton should remain at 8.2 metres over the next 48 hours, barring any major weather event. Greg MacCallum says the two-day forecast for the St. John River shows the water level will remain at that height but water levels in low-lying areas in the capital region, like Maugerville and Jemseg, will rise. The water level is currently 1.7 metres above the flood level..

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