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Fog Blog Ridiculog:

THIS WEEK'S RIDICULOG IS HARD TO READ......FINE PRINT.....HAVE YOU EVER SEEN FINE PRINT ON CONTRACTS, BUYING A CAR FOR INSTANCE....CONTESTS ARE POPULAR FOR FINE PRINT ETC. IN THIS EXAMPLE THE GRAPHIC BELOW DOES NOT HAVE FINE PRINT BUT THE AIR MILES CONTEST POSTER DOES! Fine need a magnifying glass to see it and can look like legaleze, so just give up right! I looked up the details that comprises the fine print here and you might have to be a resident in the of legal age are contest rules. In the poster at top it says swipe to win! You have to buy gas to do big print this is not mentioned . You can enter without purchase though! Ahhhhh, don't think you can swipe for have to write on a piece of paper of specified size your Air miles collector no. name...etc....a lot of effort for no purchase! You can enter with buying just one litre of gas, not bad a price to pay for no hassle compared with no purchase necessary option. I think the no purchase one is the law but is usually complicated like in this example. I really wish there was a way around fine is usually more trouble than its worth and usually sullies the savings or contest experience! Car contracts are the worst! I guess we have to live with them and like you we just tend to ignore them and cross our fingers we comply with all rules anyway!! Happy reading the fine print on this.....Ridiculog!

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