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Fog Blog Winter Olympics Log:

FOR CANADA'S JUSTINE DUFOUR - LAPOINTE, WINNING SILVER IS MORE REWARDING THAN GOLD! JUSTINE WON SILVER ON LADIES MOGULS TODAY! GOOD GOING JUSTINE...CANADA IS PROUD!....PYEONGCHANG, SOUTH KOREA—Oh, the tears. Spilling down cheeks reddened by cold, by blizzard snow which grew so thick and slanted by howling winds that the skiers all but disappeared, popping in and out like spectral images as they carved through the moguls, disappearing into the crevices, then suddenly aloft in the night air, bodies twisting and flipping.Tears that threatened to freeze on their lovely faces.For Justine Dufour-Lapointe, the weather could be blamed for her leaking eyes. But they were tears of joy, too. Because she had just won silver for Canada in ladies’ moguls. A vindication after a hard slog of a season.“Yes, sweet. Because it meant so much more. And yes, it does feel more sweet right now.”Greater, in its emotional thrum, really, than the gold she earned in Sochi four years ago, when she was so much younger and so much more un-knowing about what she’d achieved.From the gate at the top of at Phoenix Snow Park, she had stared down the course towards the crowd of spectators below benumbed by temperatures that had dipped far under zero.

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