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Fog Blog Religion Opinion Log:

RECENTLY AN 11 YEAR OLD GIRL WEARING A MUSLIM HEAD GARMENT CALLED A HIJAB ALLEGED THAT SOMEONE CAME ALONG AND CUT IT OFF OF HER! POLICE, AFTER INVESTIGATING IT AS HATE CRIME , POLICE WERE SATISFIED THAT THE INCIDENT IN QUESTION NEVER TOOK PLACE! She is only 11 years old and would not be punished for mischief like wasting the police's resources and time etc, but what if she or maybe he were an adult like around 20, does that change anything. Its time for your opinion , if this were a Muslim immigrant from say Syria should they be punished or deported even....or not and why. Should people we graciously let in to our country begin their free life by causing trouble, even though it may be less in scope to domestic terrorism, where do we draw the line??......Here is the report....then have your say!......Days after an 11-year-old girl alleged that a man cut her hijab, twice, Toronto police have concluded that the events “did not happen.”In a statement released Monday, the police, who had been investigating the alleged incident involving the Grade 6 student at Pauline Johnson Junior Public School as a hate crime, said the investigation is now concluded.But why, less than four hours after the initial police report, did the Toronto District School Board let the tearful 11-year-old girl — with her mother, grandmother, 10-year-old brother and Shari Schwartz-Malz — face television cameras and throngs of reporters who broadcast and tweeted her extraordinary story to national, and international, attention?Read more: Opinion | Shree Paradkar: A girl’s hijab story isn’t true. But we’d be fools to believe anti-Muslim hatred doesn’t exist in Canada

Even if the attack had happened, the appearance would have been unusual, as victims of crime under the age of 18 are traditionally not identified by police or the media, let alone put before cameras.

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