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Fog Blog Medical Log:

THE WINDOW FOR A FULL RECOVERY FROM A STROKE IS UPGRADED FROM 6 HRS TO 24 IN ORDER TO HAVE THE PROCEDURE KNOWN AS A ENDOVASCULAR THROMBECTOMY, IT IS SHOWN IN THE GRAPHIC BELOW! MORE PEOPLE IN NB WILL BE ABLE TO GET THIS PROCEDURE WITH THE BIGGER WINDOW OF OPPORTUNITY AVAILABLE! IT STILL IS IMPORTANT THOUGH TO GET TO THE HOSPITAL AS SOON AS POSSIBLE!.....A CT scan showed a large blood clot blocking the major artery that supplies one hemisphere of the brain, he said. The team thought she could be a candidate for a relatively new procedure called endovascular thrombectomy, in which doctors insert a tiny tube into an artery in the patient's groin, threading it up through the blood vessels in the body to reach the clot in the brain and pull it out.Studies have shown that for many patients suffering strokes due to large blood clots, the procedure can dramatically reduce death rates, as well as the likelihood of serious disability.

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