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Fog Blog U.S. Government Log:

CHAOS IN WASHINGTON AS THE 1ST ANNIVERSARY OF DONALD TRUMP'S PRESIDENCY IS MARRED BY A GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWN AS DEAL COULD NOT BE REALIZED BY THE FRIDAY MIDNIGHT DEADLINE! PROTEST AROUND THE COUNTRY YESTERDAY AND TODAY AS WELL AS IN EUROPE!.......Donald Trump’s first anniversary in office was marked by the turbulence and division that have defined his presidency, with a government shutdown and protests in cities across the country.Failed deal over Dreamers at the heart of US government shutdown .

Up to 800,000 federal workers were told to stay home after the White House and Congress failed to strike a compromise on a government spending bill. Workers deemed essential and armed forces personnel were asked to stay at work. If the shutdown continues, they will probably go unpaid.Armed services personnel abroad got their first taste of the cuts when they were told they would not be able to watch Sunday’s NFL playoff games, because the armed forces broadcasting network had shut down.With crisis talks under way, Trump cancelled a trip to his Florida retreat at Mar-a-Lago, where he had hoped to celebrate his year in office at a gala dinner.Instead, as protesters marked their own anniversary of major anti-Trump demonstrations outside the White House and in other major cities, the president stayed in Washington, firing off angry tweets.

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