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Fog Blog Weather Log:

WOW, THE OL' WEATHER ROLLERCOASTER RIDE! The last of December in Saint John like a lot of the Maritimes and the rest of Canada was in the deep freeze lasting well into the first week of January 2018! After that its been up and down! Now we are at the 12 and we could be breaking warm records and awaiting the heavy rain that is descending upon New Brunswick and the Maritimes! The high predicted tomorrow is 12 C. That could break a temperature record! The picture shows , that with the last couple of days of above freezing and above normal temps, the snow is all but melted! Stay tuned, the cold is going to return although the temps will be more normal for this time of year! The good news according to The Weather Network is that above seasonal will return for the latter part of January and into yes Ground Hog Day.....stay tuned Fog Bloggies!

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