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Fog Blog Christmas Stories Log:

THE MONCTON TURKEY DRIVE! THIS IS A REAL HEART WARMING STORY FROM THE HUB CITY! IT STARTED IN 1991 AND THE GOAL IS TO MAKE SURE THAT EVERYONE LESS FORTUNATE HAS A TURKEY FOR CHRISTMAS! THIS IS THE BACKGROUND OF THE SUE STULTZ TURKEY DRIVE.......Way back in 1991, we started collecting turkeys for Food Depot Alimentaire (formerly the Moncton Food Bank), the main distributor for all other food banks in southeastern New Brunswick. In the first 6 years (1991 to 1996) we were able to gather about 900 turkeys in total.Demand always exceeded supply so in order to meet our goal of 800 turkeys in 1997, we knew media assistance would be required. Word travelled fast as our story was picked up in the newspaper and local radio. Not only did we meet our goal... we surpassed it with a total of 1,071 turkeys. It was the first time in the history of the Moncton Food Bank that a turkey was made available to every registered family! We have never looked back.Thus far, all turkeys have been unsolicited. They are donated from the heart. In other words, we could approach individuals and suppliers ourselves, but we would rather use the help of the media and word of mouth to get the word out. This allows each person the choice to respond with no pressure placed on them. There is enough pressure at this time of year without adding more.As each person drops their turkey off, it allows us a chance to explain more about the Food Depot Alimentaire and the wonderful work they are doing for the less fortunate in our region. As individuals bring their turkeys in, they have the option of signing our Christmas guest book. Extra turkeys we collect over the annual requirement help cover some of the late Christmas turkey requests and then to further help families during the cold months of January and February.Since 1997, we have met and exceeded our goal year after year and have collected over 70,000 turkeys with a total turkey value of almost $1,500,000.00! This is an incredible testament to the generosity of the citizens of Southeastern New Brunswick. Thank you so much for your continued support.

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