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Fog Blog Ridiculog:

HALLOWEEN DANGERS! I CAN'T BELIEVE THAT THERE ARE HUMAN BEINGS, USE THAT TERM LOOSELY , THAT WOULD WANT TO HURT CHILDREN! This report does belong on a Ridiculog because it is ridiculous that there are individuals that would put poison, pins and even nails in candy. I remember when I was about 7. I used to get 50 cent pieces , baking , apples, candied apples etc. Now you cannot give anything to kids that are unwrapped , that does not stop these people from being devious and insert these things in candy without detection! I wish there was a way to find out who these people are and put them in jail. This has been going on for many decades and these indidviduals are despicable ! In the news , it says trick or treaters were down this year in numbers. We had none. It is maddening for all of us. The people who spend 20 dollars or more on candy and can't give it out is a shame! I think organized parties are going on to bring those numbers down! I'm even thinking of cutting out buying candy next year. I would like to see trick or treating to return to what it used to be in the past but this is the kind of world we live in now! Criminals who do this should grow a conscience of risk being on the next Ridiculog!

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