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Fog Blog Ridiculog:

THIS WEEK'S RIDICULOG DEALS WITH A PORTION OF THE LEGALITIES SURROUNDING THE LEGALIZATION OF POT NEXT SUMMER HERE IN CANADA. My girlfriend lives in a sixplex and a few times its been rented below her to a few that smoked marijuana . The fumes were intense coming into her apartment so after a while she had to tell her landlord about it. He asked them to cool it on the pot smoking because of neighbours and eventually for what ever reason they moved out. This example shows that for now people who don't smoke pot and who don't want to smell it have a right. What happens when its legal? I'm hoping this subject and eventually rules will come into effect with the legalization that will address this. I think we should have a right if we don't want to smell it. I find it strong and offensive when I'm around the smoke. We have neighbours up the street that smoke it a lot already and you can smell it strong from the sidewalk. It will rear its ugly head and onto the Ridiculog next year if all provisions aren't looked at, as it is now, little is done to prepare for pot's legalization!

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