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Fog Blog Ridiculog!:

I'LL START OFF WITH CONGRATULATING MAX KOTLOWSKI ON A GREAT LOOKING NEW REVERSING FALLS RESTAURANT WITH THE SKYWALK! I THINK , AS AN ARTIST MYSELF THAT THE LOGO IS GOOD TOO! THAT'S WHERE IT ALL ENDS. SOON AS I SAW AN ADVANCE COPY OF THE LUNCH MENU ALONG WITH ACCOUNTS OF THE EVENING MENU, I WAS BLOWN AWAY WITH THE LITTLE IN CHOICES AND BIG IN PRICES!! This week's Ridiculog is about trying to figure out why Mr. Kotlowski would put together such menus without the average Saint John citizen in mind! The picture below tells all about the choices for lunch. Most of the choices may seem cheap but what comprises your main courses is suspect. I understand that he wants to show the kind of food that says, we're Maritimes, fresh and changing for the seasons! This is good but there are items that I'm sure some people would feel they would not even know what they are getting! He is trying to convey a healthy alternative to food that may be unhealthy! My Mom's friend told her she went there for lunch and asked for a lobster chowder....when the food arrived in a big bowl, surprise...there was a small cup of the chowder inside with no bread offered. She had to ask for it! The bill came to over 30 dollars! Another friend had grilled halibut with finger potatoes and some side veggies. It sounds great and healthy but she said.....the plate was far from full and the cost was 60 dollars. Dinner for 2 anyone! I agree with the variety of healthy alternatives but there is not even Fish n Chips on the lunch menu and another Saint John favourite......deep fried shrimp and clams....not listed on the lunch menu I saw! I miss the Pork Schnitzel that I had on the old menu....cost was about 11 dollars and was so good, filled the plate too!

Tourist season is winding down and many Saint John people can't support $ 60. a plate! This menu is for the elite, people who make a lot of money and falls short for those who want a nice night out and a good meal! Max Kotlowski, in my eyes you fall short for Saint John and its people , who waited so long for this, you fall right onto the Rididculog!

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