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Fog Blog Ridiculog:

DO SENIORS REALLY GET THE FULL CARE THEY DESERVE IN THEIR FINAL DAYS?....THERE HAS BEEN SO MUCH ON THIS TOPIC IN THE NEWS LATELY! FIND OUT ABOUT HOW MY FATHER WAS LOOKED AFTER IN HIS 9 MONTHS IN THE REGIONAL HOSPITAL AND A FEW WEEKS IN THE CARLETON KIRK NURSING HOME ON THE WEST SIDE!~......I will keep this short but first off and to be fair, there were really nice staff at both places and Dad did get attention. I am doing this because with all the press on seniors that get neglected in the system, you have to watch close! Dad started off on 3CN in the Regional.....They had him up walking and fed him well, regular meals. Mom and I fed him supper, some of the staff mentioned he did not want much of his meals , this concerned us, he always ate everything we fed him from his hospital meals. We had staff harass us and lay false accusations against us saying we were mouthy to staff, but we were stalked by a PSW2 there! Dale Bonnell who was a PSW in 3CS went to see my Dad and he had his head down with his nose touching the table, this was for hours after lunch, no one looking in on him? When we came in , he was back up in his chair and had a severely bruised nose, he also had an x-ray done, with this the staff had to restrain him a bit but left distinct hand prints on his chest, Mom and I were in tears over this! He was moved to 3BS, long term and transitional locked ward......A lot of the time fill in cleaners were there, his room was dirty, caked food on his rails and food encrusted on his face and clothing. In this ward he had a huge bed sore that Mom discovered, they got snotty with us and tried to deny it. We fed him supper the full 9 months in hospital. He went to a modified diet that looked like mush. He lost weight, got pneumonia and became very sick. They transferred him to the Carleton Kirk while he had pneumonia, even though he had his shot for that! We pleaded with them to wait till he was better but he ended up in the Carleton Kirk in January 2014. They told us up front that there was a Dr. for the patients, we never met him once ! They seemed to treat him well but they were not forth coming when we asked them things. They had him in rooms for activities , this was nice but one day they had him in the room , they did transfer him to a common area, to clear out the room with the window open because his roommate had died! We don't have proof to make a conclussion......soon after he had a rattly cough and was very quiet, the nurse said ....oh he's been sick for weeks. Mom and I urged them to get a hold of that Dr. , they said , he'll be alright! We said, he's really sick, this man never coughs!!! Next morning , we get a call and Dad was unresponsive! The cause of death 2 days later.....sepsis! We need to keep an eye on our seniors!! They get good care yes but things can slip.....all life is precious!!

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