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Fog Blog World Log:

JUST AFTER THE TERROR WITH A CAR PLOWING INTO PEOPLE IN CHARLOTTESVILLE VA. NOW THERE IS TERROR IN BARCELONA SPAIN WITH ISIS CLAIMING RESPONSIBILITY! A VAN PLOWS INTO A CROWD IN DOWNTOWN BARCELONA KILLING AT LEAST 13 AND INJURING 100! Spain saw one of its most violent days in recent memory as a spate of incidents throughout the country appeared to be connected to a terror attack Thursday in Barcelona that left 13 people dead and more than 100 injured.Authorities said they are working under the assumption that two other deadly events, a terrorist incident in the seaside city of Cambrils and a house explosion farther down the coast in Alcanar, were linked to the van attack in Barcelona that had ISIS taking credit.Also Thursday, two police officers in Barcelona were hurt when they were hit by a car, but police were unsure whether that was related to the other incidents.The deadly events began in the early evening with a van plowing through crowds on the renowned Las Ramblas avenue, a popular tourist section of Barcelona. Authorities said of the 80 people taken to hospitals, 15 were seriously hurt.As police searched for the van driver, Spain's Prime Minister called it an act of "jihadi terrorism."

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