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Fog Blog U.S. News Log:

O.J. SIMPSON, FORMER NFL STAR AND FAMOUS FOR HIS MID 90S TRIAL IN THE MURDER OF NICOLE BROWN SIMPSON AND RONALD GOLDMAN WENT IN FRONT OF NEVADA PAROLE BOARD YESTERDAY AND IS GRANTED PAROLE....THE NOW 70 YEAR OLD SIMPSON MAY BE RELEASED AS EARLY AS OCTOBER! t was an oddly familiar O.J. Simpson that for a little while filled TV screens across America on Thursday.A Nevada parole board decided Simpson should be freed after the former NFL star apologized for his role in a 2007 armed robbery, said he'd been a model prisoner, and promised that he'd have no conflicts if released.Simpson's appearance before the board garnered wall-to-wall coverage from cable news shows, coverage that recalled the "trial of the century," and the many months more than 20 years ago when it transfixed a nation."I've done my time," Simpson said. "I've done it as well and as respectfully as I think anyone can."

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