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Fog Blog Canada 150 Log:

WHAT MAKES US- UNIQUELY CANADIAN?! SOME SAY ITS THE WAY WE TALK EH. There is a lot that goes into the mix! Our geographic location and make-up. The rockies on the west coast, foothills and prairies giving away to the great lakes and the fertile soils of the agricultural areas of Southern Ontario to Quebec with its unique towns and cities and language! Then is off to Atlantic Canada! Rugged landscapes, highest tides in the Bay of Fundy, to the small quaint towns and ocean landscapes of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, P.E.I where the Fathers of Confederation met to Newfoundland and Labrador and its scenery to up north with the Inuit and throughout Canada and its Indigenous peoples!We put on great winter carnivals and of course we are the birthplace of hockey!! We have poutine and Tim Horton's coffee! We say colour and centre not color and center! There are the Canadian businesses like Moosehead and G.E. Barbour pumping out beer and spices respectively for 150 years too! Also we have the red and white with our great Canadian red maple leaf in the centre! W|e have 2 official languages.....English and French! We retained our ties to the British Monarchy!

Celebrate Canada.....we are true north strong and free........WE ARE CANADIAN EH!

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