Fog Blog Ridiculog:
THE OTHER SHOE HAS DROPPED FOR SEARS! SEARS CANADA HAS FILED FOR CREDITOR PROTECTION, UNDER THE RE-ORGANIZATION , SEARS WILL CLOSE 59 STORES AS WELL AS LET GO 2900 EMPLOYEES OUT OF A WORKFORCE OF 17000! Saint John says goodbye to Sears that has been a household word since the early 60's when it had its humble beginnings as Simpsons-Sears in the North End of the city on Lansdowne Av. Saint John. I don't understand why they are closing here when Fredericton and Moncton are going to keep theirs. I know it probably came down to a numbers crunch but Fredericton is a smaller market and Moncton has about the same pop. as Saint John , but not when you add the suburbs here. Bathurst is also losing their store, small place and maybe not much in the way of increasing clientele .I guess soon we will find out when the sales will start for the liquidation of stock, then the hoards will come. I would rather have the store continue on. This is really bad news for the McAllister Mall as its biggest tenant will leave a big hole in already a down marketplace and will be empty when Sears finally closes, for a long time. The former Zellers spot remained empty when Tartget pulled out for about a year. Nice to see a couple of small tenants in there but not filling the whole space! Finally, Sears opened a contact centre here in S.J. , ironic huh, this will continue on with the opening of the door for the former retail store employees to apply for work there! Soon the only Sears here will be a street sign in the North End where the store that started there has been torn down and the contact centre, quite the travesty!