Fog Blog Ridiculog:
WHAT IS THE VALUE OF A HUMAN LIFE??....Corrections officials say a 38-year-old inmate has died in custody.In a statement, Correctional Service Canada says Guy Langlois was pronounced dead in hospital at about 3:30 p.m. Monday after emergency officials were called to the Atlantic Institution in Renous, N.B.No details were provided on the cause of death or where Langlois was found.He had been serving an indeterminate sentence for second-degree murder since Oct. 5, 2000.Police and the coroner have been notified, and Correctional Service Canada says it will review the circumstances of the death. This is an example of what happens a lot. Whether one inmate kills another or staff, like guards subdue and inmate using undue force causing death or the inmate hangs themselves or kills themselves by other means and guards look on. I am being factual here!! Its the old story.....there seems to be levels of importance. You are important or famous , in the medical scene or even in the legal sense, you are ahead. of the game, it seems. Middle of the road is most of the rest of us. Living within the law and contributing to society, you are all around treated fairly! You are a criminal, you are the dregs of society and it is true , you aren't valued the same. I don't like criminals but as humans all life should be valued equally by the law of the land!! There should be more value to all humans equally, in jail or even in parliament and in between!