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Fog Blog Weather Log:

Another storm hits the Maritimes but this time spared Saint John the most snow. For a while there was a blizzard with blinding snow and high winds but with rising temps, around 10 pm Tuesday night, the change came with ice pellets through rain. That cut the snow totals down to 10-15 cms. Saint John tied for highest wind gust in New Brunswick according to CBC meteorologist ....Kalen Mitchell. Saint John and Grand Manan clocked a gust at 102 km/h. The weather will now be calm and a little bit milder this weekend. I guess we , for the most part we dodged the annual St. Patrick's Day storm. The weather for Sunday started out as another Nor'easter with 15 cm of snow and windy but the trajectory of the storm has now changed and will bring it south of Nova Scotia. They will be getting snow and just maybe a flurry here. Winter's hold on us is not over....but....for now we can breathe a little easier!

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