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Fog Blog Road Rage Log:

What a tragic day for all involved! According to the National Post , Gene Williams, 69, reportedly pursued a group of men whom he had got into an argument with for 25 minutes, eventually following them into a parking lot, where the now-viral YouTube video takes place. In the video, one man can be seen shouting obscenities as the car stops in the parking lot and begins to circle back. While the woman recording the video begins to stenograph the date, time, and license plate of the Audi SUV, the car suddenly whips back and accelerates into the man yelling the obscenities. What is really sad about the whole thing.. since rage of any kind is destructive and leads to no good. This man appeared in court on Friday, may serve time, definitely a fine, my have his licence revoked !! Was it worth it to lose so much over a disagreement? This reporter thinks people should think first before acting and there should be stiffer laws to do with road rage, the man hit could have been killed instead of injured!!

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